So sad! The Pokémon GO servers were down this morning! Yes, ALL of them! Apparently it is due to a DDOS attack. When it’s a system problem, your phone battery is totally dead, or weather is terrible, What do we do now? If your Pokémon hunting plans for the day are ruined, here are some ideas of what you can do instead!!
Enhance Your Skills
You might not be able to train your Pokémon right now, but you CAN train yourself! Now is the time to brush up on new tips and tricks to help improve your game. GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND! Google Pokémon GO tips and tricks and see what you can find. NOTE: It can help to read the comments on these articles first because if the person writing it has no idea what they are talking about, other players are SURE to call them out about it in the comments!
Watch Pokémon Episodes
If the weather is extra hot (or rainy) today, take advantage of the time indoors and watch some classic Pokémon episodes. There are LOTS of Pokemon titles to stream from Amazon video (or you can also order DVDs) and Netflix has some choices too.
Play Old School Pokémon Games
Another good indoor choice is to play your old school Pokémon video games or grab a few new ones online or at your favorite local game store.
Create a Pokémon GO Survival Kit
Hopefully servers will be up again very soon or the weather will clear up, so now is a good time to get prepared for your next outing. Gather the things you need to create a Pokémon GO Survival Kit and you’ll be all set for your next hunt!
More Outdoor Pokémon fun
If your Pokémon GO plans aren’t canceled by the weather, get outside and play!! If you want it to be Pokémon-related fun, you could fly a Pokémon kite, toss a Pokémon frisbee, or play another Pokémon game. And seriously, even if you’re not looking for Pokémon you can still take a walk or go riding on your bike!
Build Your Pokémon Wardrobe
Want to show your love of Pokémon GO with the clothes you wear? There is lots of Pokémon gear available for guys and for girls. Tons is on Amazon and we have selections from some other sites below:
What are YOUR ideas for what to do when you can't play Pokémon GO?
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