Last week in ECFE, my nephew made this super cute Halloween spiderweb craft. It is very easy to do and costs next to nothing. It is fun for even toddlers to do as they can practice dexterity as they weave yarn through holes you punch for them in a simple black paper plate.
Paper Plate Spiderwebs
Small black paper plates
White Yarn
Hole Punch
Plastic Spider (or plastic spider ring)
How to make paper plate spiderwebs:
Use the hole punch to randomly punch holes around the paper plate.
Then give your little one a long piece of white yarn with some tape wrapped around the end to make it easier to “thread” through the holes.
Tape the other end of the yarn to the back of the plate.
Let them loop the yarn back and forth through the holes to create a spiderweb design. Leave a few inches of loose yarn at the end and tie on the plastic spider.
Jinxy and Me says
Theresa says
Featured you & your diy on the site today! @
Theresa says
This is such a cute idea! Thanks for linking up at join in anytime! I am off to check out some other posts.