Summer is officially here! As the days get hot we can also find some HOT deals if you know what to look for. There are particular items that tend to be on sale every June. If you’re wondering “What Should You Buy in June?” that was our topic today when I appeared on WCCO, our local CBS news station in Minneapolis. You can read my recap here and see the video itself at the bottom of this post! (Minnesota viewers – be sure to also catch all our local deals and fun at!)
What Should You Buy in June?
Victoria’s Secret has one of their 2 big semi-annual sales in June and the discounts are BIG. The deals are always the best in the last days of the sale when discounts can get to be as much as 70% off and you can add in stackable coupons and/or free shipping deals. Just keep in mind that selection then can be more limited. Other retailers try to jump in and compete with the sale, so look for discounts at other stores such as Macy’s, Kohl’s, etc. – also as much as 70% off.
Gardening Supplies
Prime spring planting season is over, so there are lots of deals to be had on gardening supplies. Remaining plants are at a discount and so are garden tools, planters, mulch and more. Some of the best discounts will be at stores that carry gardening items only during the early part of the year like Target or grocery stores that set up temporary garden centers.
Outdoor Goods
For many seasonal items it’s unusual to see big deals DURING the season, but June traditionally brings good deals on fishing gear, camping items and other outdoor goods. We probably have the Father’s Day shopping season to thank. Look for tents, camp cookware, fishing rods and reels, outdoor clothing and more.
National Dairy Month
June is National Dairy Month, which means we will see sales, discounts and coupons for all kinds of dairy products including cheese, yogurt and ice cream. Look for lots of sales at the grocery store and printable coupons at You can also enter for a chance to win in the June Dairy Month $10,000 Sweepstakes from Easy Home Meals!
Beach Vacations
Summer is the “off season” for tropical travel so the discounts are big! If you’re ok with hot and steamy weather you can score great deals on tropical vacation packages, especially if you book last minute. For example, We spotted all-inclusive stays in Puerto Plata starting as low as $99 a night on Groupon.
katrina gehman says
great tips. i just got some gardening stuff yesterday and i agree, great deals.
Annemarie LeBlanc says
Oh my friend would be ecstatic! She loves Victoria’s Secret and she regularly shops there together with her daughter. I would most likely be at their stores too!
Kelly Hutchinson says
I’ve actually been wanting to get new outdoors stuff! I want to get more into gardening this summer so this would be a great idea for me!
Danielle Smith says
This is a great list of ideas. I never knew there was a better time to buy bras/lingerie!
Theresa says
Thanks for the heads up. I was just discussing with my mom how we both need new bras. Sounds like now is the time to head to VS for some!
valmg @ Mom Knows It All says
That’s an interesting tv segment you have. I wouldn’t have thought of travel as being a summer purchase. If I could travel I’d want to do it during colder months.
Shannon Gurnee says
That is so awesome that you were featured on the Local CBS segment! These are some great ideas on what to buy in June.
Marcie W. says
Thanks for this! I am all for knowing the best time to buy since it helps save money. I am in need of new undergarments and now plan to purchase this month.
robin rue says
We just stocked up on gardening supplies and I had no idea it was even the right time to buy. Looks like I chose the right time to get all my stuff.
Stacie says
These are awesome picks! I love posts like this because they help me get the things I need at the best prices possible. Thank you!
Melissa Chapman says
I liked these ideas June is already too late to plant but deals on gardening can be great. i love Victoria’s Secret so saving on things i would normally buy is a great deal.
Bernie Wallace says
Knowing when to buy definitely helps in saving money. Thanks for the tips. They are very useful.