Finding lost savings bonds can be tricky if you don’t know where to start. These helpful tips will help you track them down.
Did you know that if you or your child received a savings bond as a baby/youngster and it has been lost that you might be able to retrieve it? An article from explains just how to find a lost savings bond.
You can begin your search by filling out Form 1048 Claim for Lost, Stolen or Destroyed U.S. Savings Bonds from You need to include as much information as you can about the time frame when the bond was received, name, address, Social Security Number, etc. The form must be certified at a bank.
If you do happen to have the serial number of the bond, it can be looked up by the Bureau of the Public Debt. You can also use their Treasury Hunt tool to search for any savings bonds for that had been returned as undeliverable or for bonds that are no longer earning interest.
mom_of2boys says
This is helpful information. I have lost a few that were given to my son.
Thanks for sharing!
AmyK says
Good to know! Thanks!