Sign up for a FREE Lego Life Magazine Subscription for kids! It’s packed with fun and brick building ideas.

I have six kids, and just about all of them L-O-V-E LEGO. Yes, the girls and the boys! My son has a huge collection that he builds with almost daily, and his sisters join him frequently to get in on the action.
If your kids are like mine are are between the ages of 5 and 9, you can sign them up for a FREE subscription to LEGO® Life Magazine!
This magazine is filled with awesome features like comics, activities, competitions, sneak peeks, and the latest LEGO news. It’s published 4-5 times a year and will show up at your mailbox addressed to your child. C’mon, what kid doesn’t like mail?!
And while only two of my kids fall within the age range and are the first to read each new issue, I’ve seen my older and younger kids pick it up and page through it, as well. 🙂
To get started, sign up for a LEGO account HERE. Then you can enter your mailing information and your child’s name/age. Then just sit back and wait for the fun to arrive!
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