You can browse store flyers on your smartphone using the free Flipp app!
If you’re a savvy shopper, you probably look through the sales flyers from your local stores on almost a weekly basis. I know that often times when we get the Sunday paper in our house the flyers are often more likely to be looked at than the actual news. While flyers from the newspaper are awesome, there are some serious drawbacks.
First, they can be a big mess!! Depending on the week and if there are any big sales days like President’s Day or Black Friday there can be a lot of flyers. It’s fun looking through them, but actually comparing one to another and deciding what to buy where isn’t always easy. And once you’re done you have a huge messy stack often with page corners turned down, items circled, or “to buy” items cut out. They just aren’t easy to organize!
I was recently introduced to Flipp – an app that can eliminate these complaints, plus offer more great features.
What is Flipp? Basically its an app that gathers all the flyers for stores in your area and crams them into your little tiny SmartPhone. Well, the flyers themselves aren’t actually in there, but everything you want to see from them IS and they have thrown in lots of handy tools to make them easier to read and organize.
To start out, you can just browse through ALL the flyers in your area, or browse by type of store. (For example, above I looked for grocery stores and then for electronics.)
What is extra cool is that you can do more than just browse through the flyers with Flipp. You can actually search for a specific item. For example, we are big Diet Coke drinkers (I know – bad habit, trying to cut down, don’t judge!), but I only like to buy it when and where it is on sale. That was always a pain to track down.
With Flipp it is so EASY because I can just search on the word Coke and it will tell me all the stores in my area that have it on sale and the prices so I can choose the best deal. The same thing works for electronics or other items. For example, above on the right I searched for “printer” and it gave me a bunch of results.
But there is another Flipp feature that is even MORE cool. As you are browsing and searching through the flyers, you can just tap on the items you want to circle them on the screen. That circle does another awesome thing – – It actually adds them to your Clippings.
To give you a little visual on that, if you look in the picture above where I circled cheese and cantaloupe in the flyer on the left, it automatically added those items to my Clippings (see the right). Your clippings keep track of everything you want at each store so once you get there you have a handy dandy shopping list right in your SmartPhone.
So what do you think? Awesome right? I forgot to tell you the other awesome thing, Flipp is FREE! It’s available for both iOS and Android, so head on over to Flipp to download it today!
What items are you most often looking for in store flyers?
Janeane Davis says
This is such a great app. It makes shopping and caring for the family easier.
myrah - Coupon Mamacita says
I recently discovered this app and it definitely has made my shopping experience so much easier. I can find an ad at my finger tips vs having to carry the paper copy with me…Love paperless and saving!
Tess says
I love apps that help with saving. Im checking it out right now.
Amy Desrosiers says
This is such an awesome app! I would love to browse my two local markets to compare sales.
Shell says
What a helpful app! Plus this helps to take along with you to the store, too.
Dawn says
This looks like a great way to save money and time. I always think collecting the store fliers is such a pain. This app seems really cool.
Paige says
That looks like an awesome app! If I ever have time to shop the ads, I’ll keep this in mind!
Eliz Frank says
It’s a great app to have and I lie that it is also a time saver… You Flipp and go. 😉
Kenda Smith says
I’m downloading this right now. I always check the flyers before shopping, but sometimes I can’t find one or they’ve run out. This is a great way to stay on top of in-store sales all the time.
Amanda says
what a smart app!! I will download this today!