This is the very best Creativebug deal you’ll find anywhere. Try it for free with no promo code needed!
Right now Creativebug is having their biggest sale of the year. New members get 2 months of Creativebug for FREE!
NOW is the time for you to get making with Creativebug’s extensive library of online art & craft classes. You can craft as much as you want for 60 days for free and after that you can choose to continue at a discounted rate of $4.95 per month.
Another awesome option is to sign up right now for a full year for only $50 and you’ll get an exclusive Lisa Congdon Tote Bag for FREE. This offer is available only through 12/2.
Creativebug Subscriber Benefits
- Unlimited access to thousands of online art & craft video classes
- Enjoy new classes released every day from leading crafters and artists
- Download patterns, templates and recipes to keep forever
- Access Creativebug community galleries and forums
- Get classes anytime and anywhere with mobile apps and AppleTV
After three months continue all access at $7.95/month for the lifetime of your subscription. Cancel anytime.
Shelly Peterson says
This sounds like something fun to join. This is a great deal.