How to save money on bay leaves.
Cooking from scratch is one of the best ways to save money on your family’s food budget. But, if you’re not careful, the cost of spices and seasonings can put a big dent in that budget!
One of the easiest ways to save money on these items is to look to stores that sell spices in bulk, so you can purchase as little or as much as you need.
As far as how to get the best price on bay leaves, that is DEFINITELY the answer!
While some supermarket chain stores have bulk sections, your best bet is to look for a co-op or health food store. They usually have a wide variety of spices and seasonings for sale in bulk.
I went to our local natural foods co-op to buy the bay leaves you see above. Guess how much they cost me….. The answer is $.24!! Yes, it was less than a quarter.
As a comparison, I then went to the store to see how much bay leaves packaged in bottles would cost. For the least expensive brands available, McCormick was $2.64 and Market Pantry was $2.14. That means I had a savings of approximately 90%! Not too shabby!
How to Store Bay Leaves:
By properly storing bay leaves you can make them last a lot longer!
The keys to preserving their life include: protecting them from light, protecting them from moisture and protecting them from heat.
That means the best way to store bay leaves is in the freezer! Just storing them in the pantry (as long as it is dark, dry and cool) they’ll have a shelf life of a couple years, but by putting them in the freezer they’ll last for years and years. Just make sure they are in a well-sealed container.
Rosie says
I always used to incorporate bay leaves in my cooking – how could I have totally forgotten them?!!! We have no healthy foods coop or coop at all around here if I had the gumption I would start one, but I don’t have the time. I’ll have to keep shopping around for some good ones.
Karl says
I would love to use bay leaves in my cooking. At my local grocery store I can pickup different types of flour and other items (nuts for cooking) in the bulk and it does save a lot of money if you need a little of something.
Sara Zielinski says
Great tips on getting the best prices on bay leaves
Todd Lovessweeps says
I grow a lot of my own spices but not bay leaves – thanks for the tip
Robin Wilson says
This is a great tip. But another great way to save money on spices is to look for the ethnic section of your grocery store. Even our little Food Lion has a section with Mexican and Asian spices. I have purchased and been pleased with numerous ones.
Chrysa says
That IS a good tip! I also find them at a good price in the actual little Mexican market in our town.
JEn says
Besides the cost savings, FRESH basil is OH So much better!
Debi@ The Spring Mount 6 Pack says
Great tips, thanks. I hardly ever use bay leaves so never have them on hand
Shannon (The Mommy-Files) says
I love to use Bay Leaves in recipes and appreciate the tips you offered above! Happy cooking!
Stacie @ The Divine Miss Mommy says
Man I love the taste of bay leaves when I cook. My mother used them frequently so I do too.
Jennifer Wagner says
I am not much of a cook so I use bay leaves so infrequently that I’d be throwing them out if I bought them in bulk. But good to know anyway. I can always pass on the advice to friends.
Chrysa says
This tip is extra good for those who don’t use bay leaves frequently. If you need one for a recipe, you can just buy one or two and pay a couple pennies rather than buying a whole bottle!