Making your own natural cleaning products helps to not only save you money but also allows you to control the things that go into each product. This is essential in helping to eliminate toxins that are found in most store-bought cleaning products.
It’s easy to learn how to make natural cleaning products and once you start you’ll soon want to replace all of your chemical-filled cleaners! Saving money is the icing on the cake!
How to Make Natural Cleaning Products
Bathroom cleaner – In a medium sized container, make a paste with ¾ cup of baking soda, ¼ cup of pure lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of dish soap and ½ cup of white vinegar. Use a sponge to apply the paste to all areas of the bathroom including bathtub, toilet bowl and sink. Rinse with warm water and dry well with a clean rag.
All-purpose cleaner – Combine nine parts of water with one part of white vinegar in a spray bottle. You can use this on any cleaning surface such as countertops.
Garbage disposal cleaner – If you have a garbage disposal, you know it can get pretty smelly at times. There are two ways to take care of this issue. One is to cut a lemon in half and place both halves in the garbage disposal. Run the garbage disposal with warm water for 20 seconds. The other method is to pour ½ cup of baking soda into the garbage disposal flowed by 1 cup of white vinegar. Let the baking soda and the vinegar sit for 15 minutes and then run the disposal along with running warn water.
Homemade air freshener – You can make your own natural air freshener right at home. On the stove, combine 1 orange slice, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, a dash of nutmeg and a dash of cloves in a saucepan. Let it simmer and the air will be fresher and cleaner in no time at all.
Homemade scouring powder -In a bowl or jar, combine 1 cup of baking soda, ½ cup of salt and ½ cup of Borax powder. Combine the mixture until mixed well. Sprinkle the powder onto the surface you want to clean and let it set for 5 minutes. Then, just scrub with a brush and rinse with warm water.
TIP: You can get inexpensive spray bottles to hold your new cleaners on Amazon:
Isabelle Rose says
Hi, Chrysa! Great tips! I really try to live an environmental friendly life and I do my best for cleaning and cooking with only natural products. I want to try your recipe for bathroom cleaner because I can’t bear the smell of conventional products. I have several recipes that are very effective! My favorite recipe is: for window cleaner – I use the citrus peels. I put them very tightly in a jar and fill with water. I store the jar in a dark and cool place for three weeks and then I pour the liquid in a spray bottle. It is not only appropriate for windows and mirrors but also for countertops, kitchen shelves and so on. Thank you for sharing your great recipes! Greets!